Encouraging Children to Try Seafood

For Seafood Week, Fish City Belfast are offering a bespoke seafood menu, just for kids, and totally free!

'Research, and first hand experience shows, children are not eating enough fish” John, of Fish City explained, “To encourage families to try seafood, we are running a bespoke children’s seafood menu, for free, and if the children finish their meal, we offer a little reward at the end...a free dessert!"

“From the 6th to the 13th October, children will have a choice of several difference species of fish to choose from, one free meal with every adult meal purchased. Dishes range from the traditional fish and chips, to a mini fish pie -  we really hope to ignite a love of seafood!"

Not for the first time, Fish City are encouraging children to learn more about seafood. For the past few years they have ran the very successful Fish City kids club - an initiative offered to primary school children to educate them about protecting the oceans and learning about seafood sustainability - this week, they are hoping that alongside learning more about fish, they will start eating more!

For more information on their menu and new initiatives please follow Fish City on facebook @fishcitybelfast.


Fish City Belfast wins UK's Top 3 Good Catch - Sustainable Award


“Our children are just not eating enough fish"! Says John Lavery of Fish City in Belfast