
Shipping News

Belfirst City!
Aaron Norton Aaron Norton

Belfirst City!

The winner of the Environmental National Fish and Chip Awards 2023 has been announced, by the National Federation of Fish Friers. The Environmental & Sustainability category celebrates businesses that strive to achieve sustainable and environmentally friendly practices and is sponsored by the Norwegian Seafood Council.

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City Slickers!
Aaron Norton Aaron Norton

City Slickers!

Fish City, from Belfast, has been crowned the UK's best fish and chip restaurant at the 2023 National Fish & Chip Awards. They battled it out with four other finalist businesses to net the prestigious title.

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Aaron Norton Aaron Norton

Two Northern Ireland chippies land on UK ‘best fish and chips’ list

The staff at two Northern Ireland chip shops have shared their joy at being featured on a list awarding the best fish and chips in the UK. ‘The Friary’ in Carrickfergus landed in the top 50 best takeaways while ‘Fish City’ in Belfast took a top 10 spot in best restaurants in a list compiled by leading food publication Fry Magazine.

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Congratulations to Fish City, winner of the Green Business Award
Aaron Norton Aaron Norton

Congratulations to Fish City, winner of the Green Business Award

NIE Networks have congratulated Fish City, the winners of the Best Green Business Award at the Women in Business Awards 2023. The company sponsored the Award for Best Green Business and Derek Hynes, Managing Director, was in attendance to present Fish City with their award.

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The National Fish & Chip Awards Winners
Aaron Norton Aaron Norton

The National Fish & Chip Awards Winners

The winners of this year’s National Fish & Chip Awards have been announced at an exclusive awards ceremony in London today, celebrating the very best in fish and chips. 

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Belfast's Fish City named fish and chip restaurant of the year
Aaron Norton Aaron Norton

Belfast's Fish City named fish and chip restaurant of the year

Fish City in Belfast has been named Restaurant of the Year at the National Fish and Chip Awards 2023. The family-owned restaurant, which won the Health and Nutrition Catey in 2019, was recognised at a ceremony organised by the National Federation of Fish Fryers (NFFF).

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Fish City Belfast named ‘Restaurant of the Year' at National Fish and Chip Awards
Aaron Norton Aaron Norton

Fish City Belfast named ‘Restaurant of the Year' at National Fish and Chip Awards

The only establishment across Northern Ireland nominated across all categories, Fish City took home the title of 'Restaurant of the Year' and 'Environment and Sustainability Champion'. Announcing the win, the NFFF said: "The winner for the Fish & Chip Restaurant of the Year category is Fish City, they have been chosen for outstanding customer service, and commitment to environmental and sustainability."

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Fish City Wins Top Awards at National Fish & Chip Awards
Aaron Norton Aaron Norton

Fish City Wins Top Awards at National Fish & Chip Awards

Fish City, a family-owned seafood and fish & chip restaurant in Belfast city centre, was announced as the winner of the Environment & Sustainability Award and as the UK’s Fish & Chip Restaurant of the Year at the National Fish & Chip Awards, held in London on the 28th February 2023.

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Fish City Frying High with Success!
Aaron Norton Aaron Norton

Fish City Frying High with Success!

Fish City in Belfast, County Antrim has gained its place amongst the UK’s top fish and chip shops by achieving the prestigious NFFF Quality Accreditation sponsored by Sarsons Vinegar.

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